years ago Juanjo, Donal Thompson and I used to do a version of Ron Kavana's
Donal went to live in Madrid and effectively took the song with him.
But Joxan must have remembered it, because it was his idea for Alboka
to do a version in Basque.
I have no intention of saying anything about the possible political
resonances of the original lyrics. Nor of the tune's family relationship
to 'Four Green Fields'.
When summer's time has come
And autumn winds are threatening
To blow our love away
It's then love will be tested.
Arm in arm we'll stand,
Side by side together
To face the common foe
That would tear our love asunder.
Tura lura lay
Tura lura laddie
Tura lura lay
Tura lura laddie
You fair weathered friend
Where are you now I need you
Unlike the autumn sun
A cold December morning
When hard times come around
In cold and stormy weather
There's only you and I, my love
To shelter one another
Now there's a time to fight,
And there's a time for healing
As the sun would melt the snow
On clear, bright April mornings.
Our fight has run its course
Now is the time for healing
So let us all embrace
Sweet reconciliation .
kitto... Udazken haizeak,
mendeku gose, koxk maitasunari.
Goaz besoz beso, ezpainak lehorrak...
Etsaia atean joka, biontzat da orain froga.
Lurra, ur, haize;
haiek ezin ase.
Lurra, ur, haize;
haiena nahi dute.
Eguzkitan bai, lagun atsegina,
laiotzarekin, ote da berdina?
Ilbeltz, ekaitza... gauzak okertzean
nola uxatu gaitza? Elkarren aterpean.
Lurra, ur, haize;
haiek ezin ase.
Lurra, ur, haize;
haiena nahi dute.
Lehen zen borroka, orain senda-garai.
Hurbil leihora, berriz adiskide.
Apiril sentian, amaitu da lehia:
elurra urtu zaigu, ttanttaka, bidez bide.
Lurra, ur, haize;
haiek ezin ase.
Lurra, ur, haize;
haiena nahi dute.
to menu
The idea of recording this song with Alboka first came to me in 2016.
It was the year Donostia-San Sebastian was European Capital of Culture,
the celebration of which not all citizens of the city equally supported.
I worked on a number of projects during the year, one of which made
me reflect on the role of art in post-conflict situations, as a means
of reconstructing memories and overcoming strife. Countries like Colombia
and Ireland have for many years been exploring experiences of this type.
project, called Sin adios (Adiorik gabe) ['No Farewell'],
allowed me to spend time with several family members of victims of violence
and terror, and give artistic voice to their experiences in three live
performances combining music, theatre, literature and image.
I have especially good memories of those people with whom I shared this
delicate and intense experience.
interplay between post-conflict situations, in their different gradations,
and other life-experiences led me to consider recording Ron Kavana's
As chance would have it, we finished recording it on 1 October, 2017,
the day of the Catalan referendum on self-determination. The sorry footage
from that day, which transmitted anything but a picture of peaceful
coexistence, was a million miles from our standpoint. So much so, that
I even came to question whether this song was suitable for the album.
Still, here it is.
Harkaitz Cano's translation deserves a mention. His rendering of 'Tura-Lura-Lay'
as 'Lurra, ur, haize' was particularly inspired.
you , Harkaitz.